domingo, 15 de diciembre de 2013

Evaluation of english class

Hi today I will talk about the evaluation of English classes in this semester. This is my last english course in this university, previously I realized two courses on english, unlike them this semester was hard for me  by the exigency, personally I dont have  a good level of english, but I try to do the best according  to my abilities, for me the english classes  was a good experience. I learned more vocabulary and practice the pronunciation, I liked that the classes have different activities and you can interact with classmates. Of the topics studied, interested me the money, the cities and the accomodation, I think they are very practical if you need to go to other countries and you may have to communicate and interact with other people.

I would like the classes of English, we could practice more reading comprehension and watch movies, I would have liked to participate more in class, especially when you give your opinion to others, but I'm not very good at that.

In the future I would like to go to other English courses, then to travel to other countries and being able to communicate and interact without major problems. actually a part of this course I have not looked for other ways to learn English, I will try to find other ways.

thank you teacher for English classes.To learn English really needs a lot of practice, school classes were very theorical, but lacked greater interaction and poor exercises.


jueves, 7 de noviembre de 2013

My experience about Bullying

Hello classmates, today Im going to talk about my own experience to the bullying and all the bad concecuences that developed in me.
In my case, like many people ocurred at school, for a couple of years I was victim of bullying and is one of the most horrible experiences that I have lived primarily for all the suffering it generates and then all the work that you need for heal yourself, fortunately I had the support of my family, of God who have accompanied to me throught this time, if not for this my life would have been a complete hell.
In my case my best friend who had been at my school was the one who started the bullying overnight he started to be my enemy and I always asked what was the reason to hate me so much, but he never responded, he always evaded me.

with the passage of time I tried to find the explanation in this case I think that influenced much the child's mother , she always compared to the me, because I was responsible , I had good marks , artistic skills , I participated in all school activities , I had good looks , plus I differed from the rest of my classmates for being quiet and artist. I remember that his mother worked in art and design things , so I had qualities that she will like to in his own son.

the child to bullying me, trying to find all my defects to humiliate me, one of them was my shyness, my inability in sports especially in football, where everyone rushed out to play ball and I stayed in the classroom, drawing, doing other activities.
he always pushed me, threw things where I was sitting and he started looking for other children to support it, so that many began to bother me and tried to isolate me, always told them I had my fellow gay toys, among other things.
this kid hit me , he tried to kick me out of the stairs until one day I do not hold more , I remember I was doing a drawing of a boat and he take it off , and at that moment I got mad and punched him , soon then he went to my school, and was due in part to his attitude and then I started to interact more with the rest of my classmates , but I left many CONSEQUENCES regret so far and have not completely healed .

My experience about the bullying

domingo, 29 de septiembre de 2013

City of Santiago

Hello classmates today I m going to talk about the Most biggest city of my country: Santiago of Chile.

This city is the capital of Chile, was founded on February 15, 1541, is the main financial, administrative, cultural and government of the country, the official language is Spanish, has a population of over 6 million people and is composed of 37 communes.
Santiago is located in central Chile, located in the area known as "cuenca de Santiago", surrounded by a great mountain system, this geographic feature gives you a wealth of its landscape, but unfortunately this is interrupted by the high pollution produced by the cars, houses, factories, etc.

In Santiago one of the best and efficient transport systems would santiago metro network in a few minutes you can reach different parts of this great city, there are also other alternatives to travel, such as bus system, taxis. sometimes both morning and evening there are problems of congestion in the streets, so travel can last longer than necessary.

Santiago has many attractive places what you can visit, especially its center foundation, has beautiful architecture and a great variety of activities for different tastes. For example La Plaza de Armas is a good place, it can find historical buildings, such as the Santiago Metropolitan Cathedral, the Central Post Office, the National Historical Museum, the municipality of Santiago, among others, also you can find many shops, as those of traditional Chilean and international food. Near of this place, you can also visit  La Plaza de la Ciudadania, located opposite El Palacio de la Moneda, you can find there also a big  underground cultural center called Centro Cultural Palacio la Moneda, here you can find attractive shopping and art exhibitions.
Other attractive places you can not miss, could be the Cerro Santa lucia and Cerro San Cristobal, these are important viewpoints and places that you can contact with nature in the center of this city.

jueves, 18 de julio de 2013

blog experience

Hello classmate, today Im going to write about my experience of the english blog in this semester,
of all classes of English I had, this experience has been new for me, usually english clases I've had, have always been the same way to practice English: The Professor explains much of the contents on a whiteboard and then do workout guides or practical exercises, usually in my old school work that way. Personally  write and  post on the blog I like because isnt a boring activity particularly because I can write different topics that interest me. I just had written blogs in Spanish, I have two blog in spanish which I write, but never before had written in English in this way.

A big part of the post that I write  interest me in special the post about architecture and about my own experience, the  post that I liked to write is called: a photograph in Brasil, That blog make remind me my first big trip outside of Chili. I enyoy reed the blog of the techer simon, much of his post in his there are very interesting, I liked the blog that he used musical videos, for example the post called: A concert or exhibition or the post of Ken Robison, that video was  an interesting topic.


miércoles, 17 de julio de 2013

Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity?

Hello, classmate,  in this day I am going to comment a video of Ken Robison.I agree with him that many times there are children with an impressive talent and eventually lost. In my personal experience the college and university have given me space to develop my creativity, school develop my talent in drawing and painting, also had talent for the theater, but that it develops only in basic education, In the case of Chili, many of the schools we see that they look for only good results for the simce or psu but dont see the actual potential concerned of each student, But also not just something that schools may potentiate, families play a key role, if parents see that their children have a potential can cause children to develop their potential taking it to courses in art, dance, karate, soccer, theater, etc.., out of schools I have seen cases where This has been.Another important thing that I've seen both in my school and college that depends a lot of teachers, I appreciate the teachers who have opened my mind to develop and see beyond just deliver content as a duty or an obligation to them.

I do not think we can generalize that the college or universities destroy the creativity and potential of each student, we can do is to generate proposals and ideas to help students