jueves, 27 de junio de 2013

Cathedral of Brasilia

Hello classmate today Im going to talk about to magnificent building that I would liked to know. I think the architecture like the other arts are always surprising us with new creations and this can inspire other artists developing creativity.
I elected the Cathedral of Brasilia, for me is a great example of what can be achieved in architecture, this building was designed by Oscar Niemeyer in 1959 - 1960 is located in Brasilia, capital of Brazil, what impressed me this building is its shape, size, structure and materiality that surprise us, this building is a rfeflejo of culture and wealth that has developed Brazil. In this building is the intention to reach the sky with both hands, is reflected by long elements projecting height, white and section curvatures dish make the gesture.

jueves, 20 de junio de 2013

Piece of art: The fallingwater

Hello classmate, today I will present you a piece of art That I like. There is a lot of types of art That I liked.Especially I want to refer to architecture, I think this is a type of art that made ​​many of types of pieces that work at different scales, since constructive detail, structures, furniture, buildings, cities, Among Others, I m going to talk about a house That I liked too much is called the fallingwater its a beautiful house. was made ​​by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1936-1939, is a big masterpiece, Represent a milestone of the architecture of S XX, I liked Because the building integrate very well his native context, we can see That the architect was inspired to japanese architecturese, install it over stone and waterfall of that place inserted in a forest, this home follows the principles of organic architecture, handles fine colors, shapes generate horizontal and vertical contrasts that enhance the landscape, giving a new look how to made the architecture, this house I met her first year of  the university, I study for one of my first jobs in 2009 I learned a lot of this type of architecture, is a great example that shows originality understanding that took place in the first half of the twentieth century  This made open the imagination and creativity of architecture and the arts.

a place to eat

Hello, today I want to talk about the places that I like going to eat, when I was a child the best place that I liked to go to eat was the mcdonalds, I liked the experience of going and eating, actually I dont go more to this place after I'm sick from eating that kind of food, I actually like go eat at Chinese restaurants, for me there isnt a special place to go to eat Chinese food, are all the same for me. The restaurant I like to go is called La Pizza Nostra, is located in Av Providencia 1957, in this place you can eat pasta, pizza, etc., I take advantage of the days of promotions for the pizzas, you can buy 2 pizzas and pay 1 if I did not use this promotion would be very expensive for me, I like the variety of pizzas that you can eat, I like to go out with my friends and family to this place, in general I try to take advantage of promotions and discounts to the places I like to go to eat.

jueves, 13 de junio de 2013

Someone I Would Like to Meet

Today I want to talk about one people that I would like to meet, I have many people come to my mind, I  chose the Saint Alberto Hurtado Cruchaga (1901-1952), I am Catholic and for me he is a great reference and example of life, he was a Chilean Jesuit priest. I admire the contribution he made in my country, was a social worker, writer, founded the foundation of the home of Christ and is the second saint recognized in my country.
I admire his work, give his life to others, he fight for the social problems, he was teachers of schools, was criticized in his time for his thoughts, considered it communist. Currently their ideas are accepted. I would like to have been with him in their classes, in his Masses, worked with he int the social activities I would like to talk to him and ask so much of their ideas, their relationship with God, his help to others and his spirit of service. that in this world need a lot.

jueves, 6 de junio de 2013

BBC website

Today, I'm going to write a review of the website: http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/flatmates, I've never visited this website before, Its very interesting the way That show the information, the interested me most was The Flatmates, here you can find all kinds of quizzes, games, teaching materials, I think is a good tool to exercise the English, I think I will visit more often this product to learn and develop my English, besides I liked this section: Grammar, Vocabulary and Pronunciation, this caught my attention the proounciation tips, I think I will serve in the future, will be a good website to learn more aspects of English.

miércoles, 5 de junio de 2013


Hello classmate, I am a student of architecture, since I was a child I liked art, always drawing, I liked to create new things, designing toys cities, there were a couple of years that I wanted to study theater, I participated in all the plays at my school and I competed with other schools, later in high school I liked to study Design or Architecture, in my last year of the school, I realized my first work of architecture, I design my first house through a model of paperboard. In 2009 I enter to architecture, the first year was difficult to me, but more and more I started to like. Today I see the importance of architecture, it is much more

than just something physical design built, one can improve the habitability, involved with the environment, protect the patrimony, our history and improve our future, for this reason I liked the sustainable architecture, It´s a type of architecture that I would like to improve and developed in my professional future.