domingo, 15 de diciembre de 2013

Evaluation of english class

Hi today I will talk about the evaluation of English classes in this semester. This is my last english course in this university, previously I realized two courses on english, unlike them this semester was hard for me  by the exigency, personally I dont have  a good level of english, but I try to do the best according  to my abilities, for me the english classes  was a good experience. I learned more vocabulary and practice the pronunciation, I liked that the classes have different activities and you can interact with classmates. Of the topics studied, interested me the money, the cities and the accomodation, I think they are very practical if you need to go to other countries and you may have to communicate and interact with other people.

I would like the classes of English, we could practice more reading comprehension and watch movies, I would have liked to participate more in class, especially when you give your opinion to others, but I'm not very good at that.

In the future I would like to go to other English courses, then to travel to other countries and being able to communicate and interact without major problems. actually a part of this course I have not looked for other ways to learn English, I will try to find other ways.

thank you teacher for English classes.To learn English really needs a lot of practice, school classes were very theorical, but lacked greater interaction and poor exercises.


jueves, 7 de noviembre de 2013

My experience about Bullying

Hello classmates, today Im going to talk about my own experience to the bullying and all the bad concecuences that developed in me.
In my case, like many people ocurred at school, for a couple of years I was victim of bullying and is one of the most horrible experiences that I have lived primarily for all the suffering it generates and then all the work that you need for heal yourself, fortunately I had the support of my family, of God who have accompanied to me throught this time, if not for this my life would have been a complete hell.
In my case my best friend who had been at my school was the one who started the bullying overnight he started to be my enemy and I always asked what was the reason to hate me so much, but he never responded, he always evaded me.

with the passage of time I tried to find the explanation in this case I think that influenced much the child's mother , she always compared to the me, because I was responsible , I had good marks , artistic skills , I participated in all school activities , I had good looks , plus I differed from the rest of my classmates for being quiet and artist. I remember that his mother worked in art and design things , so I had qualities that she will like to in his own son.

the child to bullying me, trying to find all my defects to humiliate me, one of them was my shyness, my inability in sports especially in football, where everyone rushed out to play ball and I stayed in the classroom, drawing, doing other activities.
he always pushed me, threw things where I was sitting and he started looking for other children to support it, so that many began to bother me and tried to isolate me, always told them I had my fellow gay toys, among other things.
this kid hit me , he tried to kick me out of the stairs until one day I do not hold more , I remember I was doing a drawing of a boat and he take it off , and at that moment I got mad and punched him , soon then he went to my school, and was due in part to his attitude and then I started to interact more with the rest of my classmates , but I left many CONSEQUENCES regret so far and have not completely healed .

My experience about the bullying

domingo, 29 de septiembre de 2013

City of Santiago

Hello classmates today I m going to talk about the Most biggest city of my country: Santiago of Chile.

This city is the capital of Chile, was founded on February 15, 1541, is the main financial, administrative, cultural and government of the country, the official language is Spanish, has a population of over 6 million people and is composed of 37 communes.
Santiago is located in central Chile, located in the area known as "cuenca de Santiago", surrounded by a great mountain system, this geographic feature gives you a wealth of its landscape, but unfortunately this is interrupted by the high pollution produced by the cars, houses, factories, etc.

In Santiago one of the best and efficient transport systems would santiago metro network in a few minutes you can reach different parts of this great city, there are also other alternatives to travel, such as bus system, taxis. sometimes both morning and evening there are problems of congestion in the streets, so travel can last longer than necessary.

Santiago has many attractive places what you can visit, especially its center foundation, has beautiful architecture and a great variety of activities for different tastes. For example La Plaza de Armas is a good place, it can find historical buildings, such as the Santiago Metropolitan Cathedral, the Central Post Office, the National Historical Museum, the municipality of Santiago, among others, also you can find many shops, as those of traditional Chilean and international food. Near of this place, you can also visit  La Plaza de la Ciudadania, located opposite El Palacio de la Moneda, you can find there also a big  underground cultural center called Centro Cultural Palacio la Moneda, here you can find attractive shopping and art exhibitions.
Other attractive places you can not miss, could be the Cerro Santa lucia and Cerro San Cristobal, these are important viewpoints and places that you can contact with nature in the center of this city.

jueves, 18 de julio de 2013

blog experience

Hello classmate, today Im going to write about my experience of the english blog in this semester,
of all classes of English I had, this experience has been new for me, usually english clases I've had, have always been the same way to practice English: The Professor explains much of the contents on a whiteboard and then do workout guides or practical exercises, usually in my old school work that way. Personally  write and  post on the blog I like because isnt a boring activity particularly because I can write different topics that interest me. I just had written blogs in Spanish, I have two blog in spanish which I write, but never before had written in English in this way.

A big part of the post that I write  interest me in special the post about architecture and about my own experience, the  post that I liked to write is called: a photograph in Brasil, That blog make remind me my first big trip outside of Chili. I enyoy reed the blog of the techer simon, much of his post in his there are very interesting, I liked the blog that he used musical videos, for example the post called: A concert or exhibition or the post of Ken Robison, that video was  an interesting topic.


miércoles, 17 de julio de 2013

Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity?

Hello, classmate,  in this day I am going to comment a video of Ken Robison.I agree with him that many times there are children with an impressive talent and eventually lost. In my personal experience the college and university have given me space to develop my creativity, school develop my talent in drawing and painting, also had talent for the theater, but that it develops only in basic education, In the case of Chili, many of the schools we see that they look for only good results for the simce or psu but dont see the actual potential concerned of each student, But also not just something that schools may potentiate, families play a key role, if parents see that their children have a potential can cause children to develop their potential taking it to courses in art, dance, karate, soccer, theater, etc.., out of schools I have seen cases where This has been.Another important thing that I've seen both in my school and college that depends a lot of teachers, I appreciate the teachers who have opened my mind to develop and see beyond just deliver content as a duty or an obligation to them.

I do not think we can generalize that the college or universities destroy the creativity and potential of each student, we can do is to generate proposals and ideas to help students

jueves, 27 de junio de 2013

Cathedral of Brasilia

Hello classmate today Im going to talk about to magnificent building that I would liked to know. I think the architecture like the other arts are always surprising us with new creations and this can inspire other artists developing creativity.
I elected the Cathedral of Brasilia, for me is a great example of what can be achieved in architecture, this building was designed by Oscar Niemeyer in 1959 - 1960 is located in Brasilia, capital of Brazil, what impressed me this building is its shape, size, structure and materiality that surprise us, this building is a rfeflejo of culture and wealth that has developed Brazil. In this building is the intention to reach the sky with both hands, is reflected by long elements projecting height, white and section curvatures dish make the gesture.

jueves, 20 de junio de 2013

Piece of art: The fallingwater

Hello classmate, today I will present you a piece of art That I like. There is a lot of types of art That I liked.Especially I want to refer to architecture, I think this is a type of art that made ​​many of types of pieces that work at different scales, since constructive detail, structures, furniture, buildings, cities, Among Others, I m going to talk about a house That I liked too much is called the fallingwater its a beautiful house. was made ​​by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1936-1939, is a big masterpiece, Represent a milestone of the architecture of S XX, I liked Because the building integrate very well his native context, we can see That the architect was inspired to japanese architecturese, install it over stone and waterfall of that place inserted in a forest, this home follows the principles of organic architecture, handles fine colors, shapes generate horizontal and vertical contrasts that enhance the landscape, giving a new look how to made the architecture, this house I met her first year of  the university, I study for one of my first jobs in 2009 I learned a lot of this type of architecture, is a great example that shows originality understanding that took place in the first half of the twentieth century  This made open the imagination and creativity of architecture and the arts.

a place to eat

Hello, today I want to talk about the places that I like going to eat, when I was a child the best place that I liked to go to eat was the mcdonalds, I liked the experience of going and eating, actually I dont go more to this place after I'm sick from eating that kind of food, I actually like go eat at Chinese restaurants, for me there isnt a special place to go to eat Chinese food, are all the same for me. The restaurant I like to go is called La Pizza Nostra, is located in Av Providencia 1957, in this place you can eat pasta, pizza, etc., I take advantage of the days of promotions for the pizzas, you can buy 2 pizzas and pay 1 if I did not use this promotion would be very expensive for me, I like the variety of pizzas that you can eat, I like to go out with my friends and family to this place, in general I try to take advantage of promotions and discounts to the places I like to go to eat.

jueves, 13 de junio de 2013

Someone I Would Like to Meet

Today I want to talk about one people that I would like to meet, I have many people come to my mind, I  chose the Saint Alberto Hurtado Cruchaga (1901-1952), I am Catholic and for me he is a great reference and example of life, he was a Chilean Jesuit priest. I admire the contribution he made in my country, was a social worker, writer, founded the foundation of the home of Christ and is the second saint recognized in my country.
I admire his work, give his life to others, he fight for the social problems, he was teachers of schools, was criticized in his time for his thoughts, considered it communist. Currently their ideas are accepted. I would like to have been with him in their classes, in his Masses, worked with he int the social activities I would like to talk to him and ask so much of their ideas, their relationship with God, his help to others and his spirit of service. that in this world need a lot.

jueves, 6 de junio de 2013

BBC website

Today, I'm going to write a review of the website:, I've never visited this website before, Its very interesting the way That show the information, the interested me most was The Flatmates, here you can find all kinds of quizzes, games, teaching materials, I think is a good tool to exercise the English, I think I will visit more often this product to learn and develop my English, besides I liked this section: Grammar, Vocabulary and Pronunciation, this caught my attention the proounciation tips, I think I will serve in the future, will be a good website to learn more aspects of English.

miércoles, 5 de junio de 2013


Hello classmate, I am a student of architecture, since I was a child I liked art, always drawing, I liked to create new things, designing toys cities, there were a couple of years that I wanted to study theater, I participated in all the plays at my school and I competed with other schools, later in high school I liked to study Design or Architecture, in my last year of the school, I realized my first work of architecture, I design my first house through a model of paperboard. In 2009 I enter to architecture, the first year was difficult to me, but more and more I started to like. Today I see the importance of architecture, it is much more

than just something physical design built, one can improve the habitability, involved with the environment, protect the patrimony, our history and improve our future, for this reason I liked the sustainable architecture, It´s a type of architecture that I would like to improve and developed in my professional future.

jueves, 30 de mayo de 2013

Places in London

I've always found magnificent and beautiful city of London, has an architecture with a lot of history, one of the places that most want to visit, would be the Elizabeth Tower, better known as Big Ben, I find it a piece that gives identity to your city ​​and dominates it as part of your landscape, this tower has a neo-Gothic style, t's located beside the the house of parliament which is located in central London.
If you want to tour it should not pay, but if you book it as four months in advance, is open Monday through Friday.

The tower houses the four-faced clock world's largest, and is the third highest clock tower in the world, its location allows walking centtral other points of attraction in the city as The London Eye, bridges, buildings, etc.

jueves, 9 de mayo de 2013

a concert

Hello classmate. Today I’m going to write about my last concert that I heard. Generally I don’t go to many concerts. Because they cost too much for me. I prefer to go many times to art exhibitions, like paintings, sculpture among others.

The concert that i will like to write is about an artist of Chile, I think is good to motivate the artist of our country. The artist of music that I went to listen is called Nano Stern. he is an Chilean musical artist, I know his music because my brother talk to me about he, and then he invited to me a concert in this year, since that  time since that  I didn’t know much of this artist. In February I went a concert of this artist in Santiago of Chile in front the Estacion Mapocho. I don’t pay about this concert I liked to much this concert, the type of music, that was a good ambient in an open space I tri to sing about his music, This concert motivated  to me to listened other Chilean musicians that are now appearing,. Too many years I listened a lot of singers the there music is in english. like coldplay , pet shop boy, Michael Jackson, The queens, among others, but today I  try to listened Chilean and  Latin-American singers, this type of music Ive been, I think that Chile need to promote more the Chilean artist, like musicians, designers, painters. This create more identity and wealth in our country.

a beach

Hello clasmate, today im going to talk about a beach, that i have a very good memories, actually i dont go often to the beaches, but  I would like to know more about them, one of the beach that I like  is The beach of Coliumo(located 39 km from Concepcion), but unfortunately, this place was affected to the tsunami of 2010, this beach is located in northern of Coliumo, is a small beach, surrounded by beautiful homes summer and gardens, I met this beach because friends invited to my family in summer a few years ago, I remember going all afternoon with my friends playing on the beach, I liked that this beach wasnt full of people, I remember the water was cold, the beautiful scenery and countless hours talking,sharing experiences, walking whit beautiful sunset, I would like to go back, but the problem is that this beach isnt near to Santiago,for this reason, in the last time I prefer to go to nearest beaches located in ConCon and reñaca, my grandma has a big house near the beach, but independent of this distance, I recommend the beaches of Coliumo, the beautiful landscape, besides the climate in summer days.

jueves, 25 de abril de 2013

a photograph in Brasil

Hello classmate, this photo is very important to me, was taken in 2005 in Santa Catarina(Brasil), I was on vacation in study tour, in the picture I was with two friends of my school, this was my first big trip out of my country,It was my first time to travel in airplane I visited places totally diferent about my country Chile, this experience was unforgettable, in adittion to know Santa Catarina I trip to another beautiful cities, the landscapes are beautiful and amazing, a lot of vegetation, funny and happy people I liked the beaches, the different type of music in the street. I ate a lot of kind  of food very delicious, In this study tour all the days we had a lot of activities. I dislike in that trip when the people ripped off to me when I bought a few things also I dislike the wet weather, because I had to 
take a bath three times a day and I felt unconfortable. despite of these facts I loved this trip, for me it was as if like it was of the best memories that I have of that trip was when we went to parties to dance and when we went to a muddy place making funny games, also I have a picture of that in my bedroom, this trip this was for more than a week. In the end of this trip I visited  montevideo and punta del este, we spent two days in these places.Later we return to Chile.

miércoles, 24 de abril de 2013

Return to the past

years ago, especially in the school I developed  hobbies that determined study architecture, each passing year in the school I felt more passion for the art, every week I drew and painted with different techniques, colors, pencils, paints, etc., I could develop drawings of faces, human body, nature landscapes, cities, animals, objects, abstractions among others, these drawings and paintings were copies of works already made ​​and also creations. These works of art opened my mind to develop creativity, one of these jobs consisted of designing a house through a model, it was my first approaches to architecture, unfortunately when entering to study architecture, I leave this hobby of painting and drawing big format with materials and techniques that I had developed, I am currently thinking about returning this activity in my free time to continue specializing in discovering the wonders of art.

In this photo I was in the last exhibition (2008) of art in my school, in every semester I had an exhibition, I made ​​a painting of the copy of the picture of Mexican painter Diego Rivera called El vendedor de alcatraces, This was the last painting that I developed in big  formats.

miércoles, 17 de abril de 2013

Trips that I would like to make

There are many places that I would like to know, especially historical places in Latin America, particularly Peru would visit places like Machu Picchu and Cusco, many times I have seen these places in magazines, books and the internet and have always had the desire to walk and be physically in this wonderful setting, Cusco interested me because it was formerly the capital of the Inca Empire and one of the most important cities of the Viceroyalty of Peru, was declared a World Heritage Site in 1983 by UNESCO, has many monuments.
Machu Picchu interested me because it was an old Andean town, with amazing architectural features, landscaping, and unique location at high altitude taking an impressive geography such as mountains of Machu Pichu.

jueves, 4 de abril de 2013

Recommended Book

Las ciudades invisibles is a fiction book written by Italo Calvino and published in 1972 Italy,
this book was recommended to me by my teachers of university in 2010 because I study architecture, initially this book I dont understand to much, but then I understood and liked, I recommend it specially to architecture student.This book described different fantastic cities told by a traveller called Marco polo to a king Kublai Kan.
This book interested me. because you can undestand how the man whit his customs and characteristics interrelate whit the environment with the sorrounding space and olso create their lives.
For me this book help me to exercise  the imagination to apply to architecture and urbanism.
In the development of the book the man of the city does not limit or define, but if you are part of them, those who live.

jueves, 28 de marzo de 2013

one of my favourite website

I like websites that give me information of what is happening in the world and especially in subjects that interest me, for example or, but today I want to talk about a website about my beliefs, because I m Catholic and is important to me be informed. The website is called, this website give me information about topics that interest me, like events of the year, books, music, reports, I can reed a lot o controversial and education issues, this website is always changing whit new information, for this reason I never get bored.
In this website appart of reeding I can comment about specific topics and give me links of other websites associated about Catholic religion.
This website I've used from a year ago. Watching television I heard about this website and this helped me to know more things about my religion. In the Catholic community helps me to discuss and talk about the problems of the current reality.